VltGll M. IECKETT, lA, R~istrar. courteously receives and answers questions concerning admission, registration , tran - scr ipts, degree requirements, and other acodemic records . SMILING their approval of Harding 's revised catalog are the "'rl!e Deans - Inez Pickens, Deon of Women, James Atkinson, Dean of Students, and Dr. Joe Pryor, Dean of the College. "CKENS, lA, Dean of Women , is dorm mother in PoMie Cobb Hall on oble, dedicated English teacher . I EDDIE R. CAMPIElL, lA, Dir~tor of Men 's Housing and instructor in physica l education and health, is the resident supervisor of students in Armstrong Hall. MARGUERITE c ' IANION , lA, Ex~utive Secretory to the President, efficiently manages the appointments, correspondence, and records of busy Or. Benson. 25