JOSEPH E. PRYOR, PH.D, Chairman of the Deport. ment of Physical Science. will continue to foster learning in his new position - Deon of the College. JAMES H. ATKINSON, MA, Harding's genial, capable Dean of Students, generates wormth and understanding in his frequent sessions with many studenh. lOTT TUCKER, JR ., BA, Business Manager. shrewdly directs both the investment and the distribution of funds of the college. ADMINISTRATION Keen sense of responsibility guides our officers CLIFTON l. GANUS, JR., PH .D, the dynamic Vice· President of Harding is constantly at work, serving also as Dean of the School of American Studies and Chairman of the Department of History and Social Studies. 24 Providing the leadership and work necessary for the day-to-day activities of Harding College constitutes the main job of the administrative officers. They administer the academic, financial, social, and public relations policies of the college. They are also responsible for maintenance of buildings and grounds, keeping official records, and providing proper room and food services. The Administration is a lso responsible for the onward development of the college in physical faci lities and academic and spiritual standards. The officers of the Administration bear the responsibility of carrying out the policy decided upon by the Board of Trustees. A fine spirit of cooperation generally exists between the Administration and the student body. Three changes in administrative personnel were made for this year. Dr. Joseph E. Pryor became Dean of the College upon "etirement of Dean L. C. Sears from the administrative office. Virgi l Beckett was promoted from assistant registrar to registrar. Eddie Campbell was appointed director of men's housing.