PRESIDENT Dr. Geo. S. Benson continues dynamic leadership With hi s eyes ever toward the future presidrnt George S. Benson seldom pauses to look back. C,ombining the vigor of youth and the wisdom gained by many yea rs of experi ence, he continues to give dynami c leadership to Harding College. A man who has taken Christian standards as hi s ende of conduct, he h as rightfully been accla imed a tme champion of Chri st ian educa tion and an outstanding American. Il ighli gh ting another busy year for Dr. Ben - son was the trip to th e Orient that he and Mrs. Br,wlIl made. This trip, approved by the United States Armed Forces for holding religious retrrats in Japan and Korea, al so included Trong Kong, the Philippine fsl ands and th e state of Hawaii. l ie visited [baraki Christian College, con ferred with mi ss ionari es at va rious places, and obla in ed permission from the British governmen t to establish a Christian college in Hong Kong. mSIDENT George S. Benson shows board members It D. Fuller and Houston T. Karnes the Book disployed in the new Bible bui lding . DEDICATED to the furthering of Harding College. President Benson slops for a moment 10 contemplate all the changes that hove token prace since he come fa the campus. The most recent addition is a new girls' dormitory. 23