BOARD OF TRUSTEES. FRONT ROW: George M. Roberts, W. O. Beeman, Dr. l. M. Graves, J. A. Thompson, R. D. Fuller. SECOND ROW, Dr. George S. Benson, Flonoy Alexander, D. F. Anguish, lemon Johnson, Jim Bill Mclnteer, T. J. McReynolds. NOT PICTURED: Dr. Houston Karnes, John Kirk, Vernon lovinggood, Millon Peebles. 22 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Board of trustees forms policy that assists growth of college Unselfishness and dili gence ch ar ac teri ze the work of the fifteen members of the Board of Trust ees, the guardians of Harding College. With th e best inter es t of th e college and i ts students in mind, these men have led the sch ool forwa rd for many year s. The sa tisfaction of h elp ing Chr isti an education is the r ewa rd for th ese ou ts tanding men, who work in many different fi elds. Faced w ith the responsibili ty of fo rmula ting th e polic ies of the college, they st ri ve to make dec isions tha t w ill benefi t the school now a nd in future year s. Dr. L. M . Graves h as, since 1954, exemplifi ed his sin cer e interest i n Chri sti a n educa tion through his service to Ha rdin g as Cha ir man of the Board. Other officers are Dr. H ouston T . Ka rnes, ViceCha irman ; W . O. Beeman , Treasurer; a nd R. D. Fuller , Secr e ta ry. PROGRESS of Harding rests in the honds of the Boord of Trustees. Dr. Benson listens as Jim Bill Mclnteer and T. J. McReynolds express satisfaction with facilities available in the newly erected Bible building.