1960-1961 Yearbook

DEDICATION 1961 book IS dedicated to Mrs. Ritchie, math instructor Teaching not on ly su ch tang ibl e things as th e height, length, and width of the figures used in her math ciasses, but a lso teac hing students to consider the immenseness of God's love makes her a person to be greatly anm ired. Thl'ough her at· titude of devotion, serv ice ann understanding she has touched the hea rts and li ves of many students, influenc ing them to g row in faith and in love for God's word. Beca use of thi s Christian influ ence which she radiates to us, we, th e senior class of 1961, dedicate our portion of the Pl!lil Jean to Mrs. Katlu'y n Ritchie. Mrs. Ritchi e has heen tea chin g at Harding Aca demy s in ce 1951. She has three c hildren who have already graduated from th e Aca demy and one who is now a sophomore . A hi g hli ght in this year for the Ritchies was th e marriage of their oldest daug hter, Bellye. r n addi tion to I he pleasure sh e has in her rich home life is the enjoy ment she find s in the outdoors. The happin ess she fee ls in growing flowers or in taking a hike helps her to become an influence for good by th e inn er peace it gives Mrs. Andy T. Ritchie, BA nero Because she is a good person herself and beca u se she helps others, she ga ins the love an d admiration of those ,,,,ho know he r. INTEREST and desire to learn are aroused in students as Mrs. Ritchie SMILING in eoger anticipation of Ihe momenl not 100 for away, Mrs. works with her closs, striving 10 help each one understand thoroughly. Ritchie helps Bettye, her doughter, with Ihe final touches for her wedding. 204