BISON BOOSTERS Bisons full support from body • receive student CHEERLEADERS. FRONT TO BACK: Judy long , Betty Morgan , Pot Barnes, Beetle Boiley, Gloria Hall, Sylvia Citty, BeHy lou Oliger, Ken Dunn . 200 Whether they won, lost, or drew the Harding Bisons were never without student support, .s intercollegiate competition brought renewed spirit to the campus. By capturing the first A.I.C. football sportsmanship trophy this year, Harding demonstrated that her team was a comlJination of players, cheerleaders, and students. Heading the spirit campaign were eight cheerleaders. For them, cheering at each game was only the end result of many hours of personal practice. Closely backing the cheerleaders was the Pep Club, a group about one-hundred strong who built the large Harding bison, planned bonfires and pep rallies, decorated for the games, and greeted visiting teams. The Pep Band helped by adding enthusiasm and rhythm to the cheering section. The Varsity Club, exclusive in that only lettermen may be members, provided opportunity for close fellowship among those who had attained excellent performance in athletic events.