SPRING, which brings out the best in young lad ies, also brings women's sporls. With her special jet-assisted take-off Sue Vinther copped first place in high jump. Two types of land ings were exhibited in the broad jump: Joan lyon 's down-la-earth approach and Kathryn West's " toke it on the shin." WOMEN 'S INTRAMURALS Spirited competition marks women's in~ramurals " TOOTAY" MAYER. looks for another open ing against Tofeb! guards Doris Brooks and Corolyn Wood as she leads the Reg inas to victory in dub ploy. 198 Directing women's sports is difficult for a woman, but when a man is given the task, it becomes even more trying. Eddie Campbell came through it not only alive - but better educated. Through his guidance women participated in ra g-tag football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, ping-pong, badminton, and softball. Individual and club competion was keen with the addition of three new women's clubs and fresh frosh talent adding to a spirited year in women's sports . Oeges came tlrrough tl,e first rung of competition by winning over Zeta Phi Zeta, new women's club, for the championship basketball trophy. Early morning "lunning" sessions around the track became a "fad" as women diligently prepared for the finale in women's sports - annual Track and Field Day. Held each May, Track and Field Day keynotes women's sports for the year. The event won last ycar by WHC brought a cheering climax to a complete year in athletics for women.