1960-1961 Yearbook

FOLLOWING the more formolly planned program of the college church services, mony students gather around the lily pond for 0 short period of spontoneous hymn singing and prayer. INDIVIDUAL study gives one on opportunity to ossimilate ond understand the Scriptures and helps him to apply the ideals to his own li fe. 18 PERSPECTIVE IN RELIGIOUS GROWTH Spiritual growth necessitates individual searching for truth No decision ca n be con sidered mor e important than the on e we must face concernin g our relati on to th e Supreme Being . Sooner or la ter we choose either to ignor e thi s responsibili ty or to accept th e ch a llenge to lea rn a bout God a nd wh a t H e expects of u s. M os t of the students wh o com e to a co llege like H a rding do so beca use of the emphas is on r elig ion . Feeling tha t they wa nt to be streng thened in th eir fa ith , th ey join w ith oUl ers of like mind a nd eng age in rna ny acts o f service to bring th em closer ~o God . 'Wor sh ip, wh eth er it is congrega tion al or priva te~ planned or spontaneous, is a personal thin g th a t rela tes ea ch of u s to th e God h e is trying to serve. Much of the growUl , however, comes from ind ividual effort in studying to l ea rn a nd in putting the knowledge into effect.