GASTON TARBET strides effortlessly across the finish line of the mile run . TorbeT broke old records in both the 880 and the mile. Sigma Tau Sigma, after losi ng to Gal axy in the first round of American League play, 41-39, bounced back to w res t first place from AEX's p;rasp, 72-58. In basketba ll, the most hi ghly-awa ited event, the annual Bison All -Sta r game, proved to be r\citing, but lopsid ed. Southwest's All -S ta rs ripprd the nets for 97 points while Bi g T en contribu - tions amounted to onl y 63 tallies. Ri ch a rd Ca rter was chosen Most Valuable Player of the game for hi s great effo rts under tJ'e boards. Intramural and club swi mming meets, a nd the varied sports skills in basketball were tJ1C other major factors in w inte r sports. The sprin g program conta in ed hi gh interest among th e men in badminton , track, and baseball which was di vided in to major and minor l eagues . Club track and field day drew many responses from the participants. Minor spring sports were golf, archery and peg-board. MOUTH agape, Lambda Sigma's John Flint wins the 100·yard dash with a classic finish. Running a close second IS the Sub·T sprinter Wayne Gaither. SETTING a sizzling pace, Steve Smith gives teammate Jim Pro" 0 good lead and helps the Sub·T's soil to on easy victory in the 880 yard relay. 197