MEN'S INTRAMURALS Varied sports program provides interest for all "DUKE" RHODES goes high in on ottem~ t to make a sove on 0 hard slam in a tension· f il led contest be tween riva l Sub·T and Mohi can social dubs. 194 Cl aiming one of th e finest intramural systems in th e nation, H a rdin g College wasted no time in ini tiating the fa ll sem ester sports progr'am to the ninety percent of the school's students who eventually participated in int.ramural games. Under the direction of Cec il Beck, the intramural sports activity was highly orga ni zed and efficient. Almost as soon as school began, class softball held the men' s interest. The seniors dominated this year and trounced the sophomores 9-1 behind Jim Redding 's peppy pitching in th e ch ampionship game. Softball continued to take precedence in athletics as was evident in club participation and in intramurals. In the Na tiona l League powerful Sub-T 16 edged the scalp-hungry Mohicans in a 7-5 thriller and AEX crush ed Galaxy 16-5 in the American League. Intramural softball came to a climax as the Sports upset th e favored, l eagoeleading Travs in a clu tch effort play-off g-ame, 11 -7. Softball base-runs and di stance throws rounded out the horse-hide season . Intramural rag-tag football was played simultaneously with so ftball this yea r . A tigh t contest of passing upped the scor e to an equally tight 27-26 victory for the Bears over the Lions in this year 's championsh ip determinant. CAUGHT napping by Frater Sodotis ' second socker, J. R. Bailey, Bob Akers of TNT is tagged out in a run -down ploy between bases.