Place of Meet C~nway Ouachita ASTC Harding Russellville Arkansas Tech Ozarks Harding Arkadelphia Ouachita Harding Arkansas Tech East Texas Baptist College Clarksville Hendrix Harding Ozarks Searcy Harding John Brown University Searcy Henderson Harding Harding Invitational ASTC Oklahoma Christian Henderson Hendrix I-larding Arkadelphia ASTC Ouachita Harding Conway (ATC Meet ) Ouachita ASTC Henderson Arkansas Tech Harding Score 78 66Y2 19 Y2 79\12 45\12 Z8 87 33 31 18 71 47 43 78 38 65 63 46 35 Z5\12 ZO 16 Y2 66 65 Z8 58 38\12 ZO 19 18 IDGING his way ahead of Chorlie Gibbs from Henderson Stote. lewis Walker displays the form that mode him on AIC low hurdles champion. ~,,~,/////I ,,\,\,\,,\'/1///1 \ • AIC RECORD-BREAKERS Gaston Tarbet, John Flint, Wayne Gaither, and Lewis Walker earned a trophy by running the mile medley relay in 3,40.8. I t RICHARD " Dark Horse" Anderson, ace pole vaulter and reloy man, grimaces as he crosses the bar to gain more points for the team. 193