1 1960 TRACK TEAM. FRONT ROW: Wallace, Anderson, Cottrell, Wadley, Gaither, Brock. SECOND ROW: Groover, Miller, Key, Hightower, Wolker. THIRD ROW: Tarbet, Flint, Rhodes, Pralt, Citty. TRACK Ale conference record broken by Bison tracksters 192 A lack of strength in the weight division and an abundance of injuries sharply handicapped Harding's thinclads in 1960; but in any meet Gaston Tarbet coul d be counted on in the distance runs for points. Tarbet won the mile in the Al e meet at Hendrix and came back minutes later to brilliantly anchor the Bisons' record-setting mile medley relay team. Transfer student Richard Anderson gave the Bisons their first sight of a top-flight polevaulter as he consistently placed high in this event, in addition to running on nearly every relay team. Harding inaugurated a grand track and field spectacle to add a fitting climax to a prospectfilled Senior Day. Saturday, April 23, saw 10 colleges and 14 high schools competing on the oval at Alumni Field in the First Annual Harding Invitational Track Meet. One of Harding's sister institutions, Oklahoma Christian College, took second place honors behind powerful Arkansas State Teachers College. TIMEKEEPER is alert as Harding's Ale champion miler Gaston Tarbet breaks the tope in the First Annual Harding Invitational Meet.