-. COVERING home plate on a passed boll, Bison pilcher Jimmy Connon is 100 lote 10 prevent on un·eorned score by opponents. PLENTY of action here as SIeve Smith .,. • signals " Ail's well " 10 Doug Ingram coming home with on importont run. RESULTS Harding-Opp. Harding-Opp. 1 0 ASTC 8 7 8 9 Ouachita 7 11 3 7 Henderson 5 6 14 4 Southern State 5 4 5 4 Arkansas Tech 5 6 1 2 Arkansas College 4 2 3 7 Arkansas A & M 12 5 OPEN· MOUTHEO Buddy McKee exhibits extreme interest as Coach Allison demonstrates botting technique to his bose bailers in a skull session. 191