BASEBALL Hard -hitting team . . finishes with .500 record Harcling 's baseball tcam under the tutorage of Coach Carl Allison started the 1960 season off right by nipping th e ASTC Bea rs 1-0 in the opening contest at Alumni Fi eld . The r emainder of the season saw severa l mor e games end with sirnilary close scores . Steve Mayfield's 3-2 win-loss rccord was the bes t to be offered by tJ,C Bisons in th e pitching departmen t and fl eet James Slon e led tJ, e conference in batting much of tJlC season . Stone ended the season in second spot in tJlC AlC and 12th in thc NAlA standings witJ, a 0.431 average. Us ing the squcezc pJ ay to i ts fulles t advantage with th e ulmos l of hustle found in the Bisons, Coach Allison gu idcd hi s ch arges to a scason record of seven w in s against seven losses . NO PLAY here as James Stone lays down a perfect bunt to squeeze in on uni dentif ied Bison. This wa s an important play throughout the year. 1960 BASEBALL TEAM. FRONT ROW, Comp, Peebles, Bryon t. Brown . SECOND ROW, All ison, McKee, Ingram, Cannon, Mayfield, Stone, Treadway, Higginbotham. THI RD ROW, Brooks, Smith , Thrasher , Yearga in, N icholson, Sharp, Cosey . 190