RESULTS Harding 68 UTMB 83 Bethel 71 UTMB 65 Beth el 86 Arkansas Tech 63 Ouachita 60 ASTC 58 Arkansas A & M 66 SoutJ1em State 61 Hendri x 60 Henderson 66 Arkansas College 71 Arkansas Tech 48 Ozarks 84 SoutJ1Cm Sta te 45 Ouachita 59 ASTC 58 Chri stian Brothers 45 Hendrix 66 Arkansas A & M 76 Henderson 50 Arkansas College 87 Ozarks Opponen ts 67 68 92 74 87 54 69 73 76 56 73 76 98 58 72 62 73 87 50 67 74 56 76 CAREENING stiffly in mid-air, Jim GUy grasps for the boll which is eluding him. Vernon Rogers and a Ouachita ployer ore poised for action . MAKING a fast exit with a stolen boll acquired from non.obliging Tech Wonder Boys, is Bison's Larry Brakefield. Hardi ng lost dose encounter with Tech by one point aher yielding a 13-point lead. 189