OBSTACLES, even feet of opposing players from Arkansas College, do not holt Jim Redding's determined march toward his goal at the end of court. Basketball SCRAMBLING for a jump ball, David Simpson grabs for the ball clutched protectively by a Southern Stote rival, while Ken Nicholson bocks him up. 188 GRACEFULLY floating toward the goal are Gerald Casey, his pursuers, and the boll. Harding won this thriller over U.T.M.B. by one point. The season ended on a promising note, as the Bisons rocked to a decisive 87-76 win over hustling College of the Oza rks at Clarksville. The Herd never was behind in what was probably the best game of the year. Six men will be returning next year, and these six should provide the backbone for one of Harding's best teams. Two-year lettermen who wil.! be back are Steve Smith, David Simpson, Ken Nicholson, and Lany Brakefi eld . Vernon Rogers and Torn Watson, both of whom looked good in their first year of varsity ball, will be heavily counted on also. Three squad members were lost by graduation - Jim Redding, Jim Citty, and Gerald Casey. Redding, the Bison's top scorer, r epeatedly hurt the conference foes with hi s deceptive driving. Jim received the honor of gaining honorable mention on the All-AlC team. Citty and Casey began play ing for the Bi sons four years ago, and have the distinction of being the first four-yea r basketball lettermen Harding has had since intercollegiate sports were r esumed in 1957.