BASKETBALL TEAM . FRONT ROW : J. Jones, K. N icholson, L. Averett , G . Ca sey, S. Smith, L. Akin , C. Tow e ll. SECON D ROW , J. Ci tty , T. W a tson, l. Tubbs, V . Rogers, l. Brake f ield, D. Simpson, J. Reddi ng. BASKETBALL Strong start builds optimism for team success WRESTliNG match or bosketball game? It is hard 10 tell as a Bethe l Wildco t struggles wi th Harding 's Jim Redding to gai n possession of the ba ll. The Bi sons, suffering from lack of experience, never did live up to their potential winning power. The H erd had difficulty all season in molding a con sistent offen se . The season opened well, with H arding taking two stra ight vic tories from Martin Branch of the University of T ennessee and Bethel College. However , after building up ea rly leads, the Bisons repeatedly los t close conference games. They led conferen ce ch ampion Arkansas Tech by 13 points going into the final period, but Tech came on strong to wi n 87-86 . Things began to look good after th e h oliday break as Harding overpowered H end ri x 61-56, but four stra ight losses h alted wha t appea red to be a successful effort for tJ'e Bisons to find themselves. Back on th eir home court, Coach Hugh Groover 's men built up good leads against conference foes Hendri x and Arka nsas A&M, but los t both games in ilie fin al seconds.