FOOTBALL TEAM . FRONT: Hall, Sharp, Wear, Miller, Peorcy, Thrasher, Honey, Mays, Collier, Bullock, Bovd, Conyers, Rice. SECOND ROW: Rolston. Mote, M ize. S:lkman, Hunter, Heath , Stewart, Farris, Pearcy, Phillips, Smith, Stanley, Carter, Pate. THIRu ROW: CooLn Prock, Parker, TUbbS, Tote, Escue, Adorns, Ruckman, LamberT, Citty, Watson, Walker, Johnson, ISrock, Griffin, Coach Groover, Peacock, Coach Allison. FOOTBALL Defense outstanding against Ale competition HOURS of grueling practice make up the life of every football player. Here Coach Carl Allison leads his backfield men in the never-ending agility drills_ 180 Harding's first year of A.I.C. competition iJ football surpriscd nearly everyone from studen~ to state sports writcrs. For thcir first year the Bisons compil ed a 1-5-3 rccord. Although the record itself is nothing a sch ool normally would boast about, Harding can be proud of thc one victory and three tics, having returned to intercollegiate football only one year ago aftcr a twenty-ycar layoff. In gaining this record the Bisons became known as a team that could stand up defensively to many of the powers in the A.I.C. Also after the 34-0 victory over The College of the Ozarks, the Bisons proved their ability to move the ball. With a predominantly freshman and sophomore squad, Coach Carl Allison opencd thc season against Millsaps College at Jackson, Mississippi, with a surprising 6-6 tie. Arkansas Tech confidently invaded the Bison's Alumni Field for the first A.I.C. game of the year - and got the surprise of its life. The Wonder Boys, latcr conference champs, were expected to score mercilessly against H arding, but thcy found the Bisons a tough , pursuing team nearly thc entire game .