INFORMAL groups gather almost anywhere whenever students have on unhurried moment. Seated on benches around the lily pond during Q free period or ofter classes, they enjoy just bei ng together. COUPLES like Bennie Johns and Anneke Cox lake time to enjoy each other's company, making use of the benches and swings on the campus. 16 PERSPECTIVE IN SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Social situations produce gradua I personality change Our lives consist largely of innumerable encounters with people in a wide variety of situations. In a ba ll -game crowd, at a social club banquet, in a close-knit circle of fri ends, or with an intimate companion we find ourselves in an exchange. Some situa tion s, such as those mentioned, are largely a ma tter of choos ing to associate. Others are brou ght upon us by our necessary activities in sch ool - in class, a t work, or at the coin-o-ma l. All of these social situa tions bring out some change in our perspective. A few experiences stand out as h aving momentou s effect on the direction of our lives, but many slip by with hardly a ripple in our consciou sness. The impressions from different situation s accumula te and add to the overall picture of our person alities until gradually we become differen t people, largely as a result of knowing and associating with other s.