THETA ALPHA GAMMA Married students learn need In club activities One of the largest and most active clubs on campus, Theta Alpha Gamma, deserved its Greek name, in terpreted: God, husband, wife. T.A.G. stressed God in their nightly devotionals in the courtyard of the Married Students' Apartments. They became "one" in their fellowships which included weiner roasts, suppers, parties, and a carnival. Forty-six new members were welcomed in~ to the "fold" and joined old members for an April banquet at Kelley's. Active participation in sports throughout the year continued to unify members of the group. Camp Tahkodah set the scene for a May outending another "full" year for T .A.G.s. _,..." . J. lovelace, Pres .; J. Redding, Vice-Pres.; Barbara Tucker, _· " oc •.• J Ponder, Rep . DEMONSTRATING their culi nary accomplishments for appreciative families, l.A.G. wives give a pie supper i n the Ganus Student Center's Emerald Room. ALPHA GAMMA. fRONT ROW: T. Follen , P. Go rnett, J. Osborne, R. Scott. S. Scott. SECOND ROW: D. Fore, J . Fore, S. Chose, M. Hand, J . l'-n, J. Ponder. J Scott. J. Osborne. THIRD ROW: J . Clo ry, M. Clary, B. Tucker, R. Tucker, T. Chose, B. Redd ing , l. Phillips, A. Duncon, B. Gamett, .. Beuenl, S. Mclorey, S. Skipper, E. Miller FOURTH ROW: J . l ovelace, l. Hand, B. Fallen , J . Redding, P. Ph ill ips, l. Garnett, G. Bessent, D. Osborne, L Ponder, R Mclarey, B. Scalf, J . Pebwarlh , J . Pebworth, B. Miller. 177