EYEING the schedules, sports enthusiasts check on coming events and EDDIE M iller demonstrates his diving skill at one of TNT's swimming sessions enjoyed mony times through the year by the whole club. latest dub standings posted daily on the intramural board, a gift of TNT. TNT TNT. TOP ROW: Akers, Anderson. SECOND ROW: Cossey, Hicks, Ingram. THIRD ROW: lawyer, Ousley, Miller. FOURTH ROW, Smilh, Valentine, Watson. 176 Payments continue this year bulletin board on intramural TNT actIVItIes began this year with the club' s third function - a stag outing at Bee Rock, Oct. 17. Activities that followed immediately were the initiation of five pl edges in an informal ceremony at the college farm and the election of Connie Ware as club queen. Kelley'S provided the atmosphere for the TNT's March banquet., "Dreams." The club outing was held May 1. Project for the TNT's thi s yea r was con tinued payment on the intramural sports bulletin board, a long-range payment project started in 1957. A large number of the members were active in all club sports, particularly in swimming and basketball. OFFICERS. Bryant, Pres .; Ingram, Vice· Pres.; Valentine, Sec.; Smith, Treas.; Anderson, Rep·Hist. NOT PICTURED: Bryant , Heffington .