SUB-T 16 Perennial track and softball champions continue winning This year marked the fourth straight year the Sub T's have taken the softball championship. Harding's Annual Track and Field Day Meet has been won by the club for five straight years. Active in functions other than athletics, the Sub T's got to keep the Dramatic Arts Trophy this year as their reward for winning it in the Speech Arts Tournament three consecutive years. Fifteen members and sponsor Cliff Ganus made the annual trip to the Mardi Gras festivities in New Orleans. In accordance with their maritime ways, the club chose "Shipwreck" as their banquet theme. Claudette Faulk, Sub-T queen, was honored for representing the club well in the Petit Jean Queen contest. Skipper; VanWinkle, first Mate; Thrasher. Second WALT Mays looks determined enough for all the Sub-T's to win as Marcus Mar.; ~rryhilJ, Chaplin; Arnold. Quartermaster. Wolker points to their place in the Speech Arts Tournament schedule. T· 16. TOP ROW, Akin, Allmond. Arnold. Borden. Berryhill. SECOND ROW: Brokefield. Bryont. Citty. Clark, Courcier, Dean, Fisher. Gaither, 150m, THIRD ROW, lowson , Mays, Nicholson, Pote, Pratt, Reese, Rogers. Simpson, Smith, Stanley. FOURTH ROW: Tote. Thompson, Thrasher, Von L Wolker, M. Walker , J. Watson, S. Wotson, Weaver, Wheeler. 175