J V I f PLEDGES were given no sympathy at the informal initiation by the members of Sigma Tau Sigma. Concoctions of sauces and cold weather added to the excitement and fun of this memorable night. SIGMA TAU SI GMA. TOP ROW: Corson. SECOND ROW: Corley, Davenport, DoZier, Dunn, Gilbert. THIRD ROW: Hendrix, Johnson , Keichline, Porker, Rhodes. FOURTH ROW: Ricken, Schafer, Simpson, Spurrier, Stanley. fiFTH ROW: Stewart, Tandy, Toms, Warmack, Westbrook. :. -- I .- - d ~ - -" 174 SIGMA TAU SIGMA Painting job by frequent appreciated users of swings The Sigma Taus began the year with a project which proved to be both helpful and enjoyable. Club members painted the swings on the campus whi le numerous couples sadly waited for the swings to dry. New members were initiated into the club at Echo Dale. Following the "entertainment," they hiked back to Harding in record time. Decided underdogs as the club basketball tournament opened, the Sigma Taus lost their opening game. However, the tide changed and they plowed on to win the American League championship. The annual banquet was held at Kelley's in January. Ann Jones, club sweetheart, was presented a club pin. Members enjoyed many other social activities, the fina l one being a stag outing at the end of the year. OFFICERS . Slewort, Pres .; Tandy, Vice-Pres .; Warmack, Sec.; Dunn, Treos .; RiekeN, Rep.