OFF, the Pioneers found a new world of enjoyment at their banquet in outer spoce. Moster ......." .. Harold Becker introduces John McRoy, their ··other·world " speaker from the planet earth. In Space' banquet red unusual decorations p ~., EER .. "Pioneers in Space" was the theme of the Febnlary banquet at Kelley's Grill . ships, angel hair "clouds", and a talk by McRay set the scene. After a week of shining shoes, cleaning ann singing lull abies, eight new Pioneers initiatro in ceremon ies at Wyldewood. They "'''"'''''''HC'U their vigor and vitality by walk ing Latrr. Lydia Goins was ch osen as club queen rrprr;Cflted Pioneer in the Petit Jean conAs a rlub project, the Pioneers helped to up a flagpol e al Alumni Field. Fall_ Diles, Pres.; Holloway, Vice.Pres.; Becker, Sec.; Scroggs, . GrIffITh, Rep . Spring: Becker, Pres.; Evans, Vice-Pres .; Scroggs, Odes, Trees .; Deann, Rep. PIONEER. TOP ROW: Becker. SECOND ROW: Benton, Bloke, Dearin, Diles, EliioH. THIRD ROW: Evans, Finley, GriffiTh, Holloway, Lawhon . FOURTH ROW: Mosely, J. Oliver, N . Ol iver .. Prather, Risner. FIFTH ROW: Scroggs, Smilh , Sunderland, H. Westerholm, J. We5lerholm. -' 173