CLUB loyolty ond sportsmonship wos demonstrated by Finley, Cox, and Brewer as they helped the Mohicans to win the Speech Arts Toumament. MOHICAN Determined braves rate top honors in speech arts tourney Winning both the Pi Kappa Delta forensic trophy and the Woodson-Harding-Armstrong sweepstakes trophy, the Mohicans topped all other social clubs in the Speech Arts Tournament. One of the year's highlights was their overnight stag outing to Red Bluff. Other stag outings were held during the year. The annual for· mal banquet was held in April. The tribe placed high in various athletic events, and they boast the only two active memo bers of Sigma Delta Psi athletic fraternity. Princess Ann Lucas not only supplied her Braves with delicious pastries, but also represented them royally in the Petit J ean Queen contest. OFF ICERS. Finley, Big Chief; lucas, Utllo Chief; Yates, Scribe; Wil· Iiams, Wampum Mon; Bailey, Messenger. NOT PICTURED: Bill Pearcy, Sob Pearcy. MOHICAN. TOP ROW: Atkinson, Bailey, Barnes, Brewer, Brock, Corter, Cosey, Cottrell, Cox, Finley. SECOND ROW: Gauntlett, Hadwin, Inamata, Jones, Joyner, Kelley, Kinninghom, C. lucas, P. lucas, Manjikul. THIRD ROW: Milam, Mize, Priest, Ratcliff, Rhodes, Roberson, Robertson, Rogers, Ruckman, Senn. FOURTH ROW: Southerland, Sullins, Tubb, Wadley, D. Waters, l. Waters, Watson, Wear, Williams, Yates. l72