KOINONIA. TOP ROW: Belue, Bowman , Bullok, Ferrell , Ford . SECOND ROW: Gaston, Good, Goodrum, Gray, G. House. THIRD ROW: J. House, Jones, Keckley, McHan, McKeon . FOURTH ROW: Pate, Power, Sheumaker. Silkman, Stillinger. FIFTH ROW, Wallon, Yeargain. KOINONIA Koinonias treat banqet dates to 'Holiday In France' theme By engaging in sports, outings, and activities of all types, the members of the Koinonia Club had a busy year. The events began with an allnight stag outing at Barber Lake, where fishing and hunting provided sport and entertainment. Soon after this came initiation night at Bee Rock where seven members were taken into the club. When the weather got too bad for outings, the club held their third function in the Kiwanis Hut. The banquet season then came in and Kel - ley's became the scene of "Holiday in France." The evening was passed with good food and a descriptive trip to France and climaxed with the presentation of a sweater to Sherry Elswick, club queen. OFFICERS: Fall : Sonnier. Pres .; Goad, Vice·Pres.; McHan, Sec·Trees.; Bullock, Bull.Dog . Spring : Sonn ier, Pres. ; House, Vice· Pres.; Shuemoker, Sec· Tree s.; Bullock , Bull .Dog. NOT PICTURED: Adkins, Kissire, Smother· man, Sonnier. ENTERING a cor proves a li ttle difficult for Bobbie Peerce. but AI Ferrell gladly assists her as Don Stillinger and Sandra Teufert watch with amusement. Attending the banquet was worth the effort. 170