pledgemasters enjoy their status as they line up their pledges to begin the final round of ....·s activilies. Cold weather , hiking, lots of water, and add food made it a night to remember. of club sponsor used formal initiation ceremony Galaxy was increased in number and SpirIt the informal initiation of eight pledges near After the rough stuff, a formal gathering at the home of Russell Simmons, one of sponsors. A chili supper at Searcy's Legion Hut pro- "hot" relief from the chilly weather. Later members and their dates attended the canby the "Belles and Beaux," who are directed Kenneth Davis, Galaxy's other sponsor. The traditionally secret banquet theme and unrolled before each young lady as she be- "Moments to Remember" at the Rendezvous. For this year's project, Galaxy led in the of a flagpole on Alumni Field. Vice-Pres.; Bullard, Sec.; Goyne, GALAXY. TOP ROW: Benson , Bradshaw, Bruster. SECOND ROW: Bullard, Gentry, Goyne, B. Grady, J. Grady. THIRD ROW: McCoy , McCurdy, Mason, Mayo, M iller. fOURTH ROW: Milton, Presley, Ralston , Robinson, Sheets. fiFTH ROW: A. StO"5, N . Stotts, Treaster, Wildmon, Wingfield. 169