WAITING patiently for everyone to arrive at the Frater Sodolis banquet, Dennis Kelly and larry Brown folk to Glenda Ganus, who is their queen . FRATER SODALI S Practical project of sending boys to summer camp started The Frater chain was strengthened when fourteen pledges were admitted to the club after undergoing an informal initiation at Camp Wyldewood. The Fraters chose to send three boys to a summer camp as their club project. Twenty-four Harding girls were treated to a Swiss-steak banquet in the spjrit of "Candelight and Roses. " Each table was decorated with candles and red roses, and tJ,ese were given to the girls at the conclusion of the program. Bob Hel, sten entertained the group wiili his speech OIl "Love, Courtship, and Marriage." In May the annual spring outing was held at Petit Jean. Miss Glenda Ganus, the club's sweetheart, was the Frater nommee for Peti t Jean Queen. OFFI CERS. Kelly , Pres.; Randolph, Vice-Pres.; lindsey, Sec.; Underwood. Trees. ; Fugit, Rep. FRATER SODAlI S. TOP ROW: Bailey, B. Baucom, It Baucom, Bredlow, Brister. SECOND ROW: Brown, Burks, Cheatham, Combs, Cook, Eichmann, Fugit, Gosa, Graham, Harris. THIRD ROW, Hobbs, D. Hobby, P. Hobby, Homer, Jones, Kelly. Killion, Kirk, lemmon, lindsey. FOURTH ROW: Manor, Morrison. Randolph, Short, Smith, Starling, Thompson, Tumer, Underwood, Viser. ~~ \;r1. ~YA 168