in the worm spring sunshine, Delta lolos Jock Ford, Ron Butterfield, Joel Anderson , and Don engage the ir club queen Claudio Shewmaker in the friend ly exchange of conversation . delights girls banquet movie gala 'spook' Delta Iota's club hut, located about fifteen north of Searcy, served as the location of ...·IIP"I stag outings and hunting activities for members. The club's project for the year was the raisof financial aid to help send an orphan child Morrilton to one of our Christian camps. The Delta Iota's spring banquet had as its an unusual one - "Spook." A horror was shown as part of the program, much delight of the girls present. Club sweetClaudia Shewmaker, because of h er deli - treats served to the members and h er ...."'nl. , of the club in the Petit Jean Queen was presented an engraved trophy at the In November, members treated their to a pimic outing at Bee Rock. Vice· Pres .; Butterfield, Sec· Spring: BUMerfield, Pres.; Meredith , Vice· Pres.; s.c. Treas., Anderson, Rep. DELTA IOTA . TOP ROW: Anderson . SECOND ROW: Butterfield , DeVore, Ford. THIRD ROW: Hunt , Meredith , Smort. FOURTH ROW: Smelser, Springer , Way . 167