CAVALIER. TOP ROW: Boykin, Carson, Green· way . SECOND ROW: Ogden, Palterson , Slew· art. THIRD ROW: Walker, Whinen. REQUI SITIONING money from the business office, Cavalier treasurer Joe Whitten makes a donation for his club to their student loan fund. 166 CAVALIER Club members like outdoor scenes for f~od consumption The Cavaliers started this year with a stag outing at Tucker's cave near Bee Rock, where members devoured round steaks. Other stag outings in the spring were held at Bluff Hole and Echo Dale. A touch of the Old South was presented at the Cavalier thirty-third annual banquet held at Kelley's Grill. The third function was held on Creek Ranch, where hamburgers were fixed in an open fired grill. For a change in pace, the club went on an outing to Petit Jean mountain. Among the varied activities of Cavalier Club this year was the Cavalier loan fund established several years ago for the aid of needy students. OFFICERS. Greenway, Pres.; Boykin, Vice·Pres.; Whinen, Sec-Treas. CAVALIERS Don Ogden and Eddie Greenway enjoy a relaxing evening with homemade coke ond coffee at the home af their sponsor, Bill Williams.