beach selected . IS as site of annual club outing Bee Rock was the place to r emember for Beta Phi Kappa pledges. These pledges ftliponded enthusiastically to the "games" ana items of interest the members provided for "Loyalty" was the topic of speaker Glen at the annual "Swee theart" banquet at the Mayfai·r lIotel. Paul Power and a piano providentertainment. Beverly Gatlin, club sweetwas presen ted wi th a bracelet. The club selected the white sands of the "beach" for therr annual spring outin May. As a club proj ect eight n ew pencil sharpewere installed in the Bible building. Pres.; Brown , Vice· Pres.; Mason, Sec-Treas. NOT for the entertainment to begin, Dovid Dovidson, Glenda and Vero and Wayne Davis finish a special banquet meal. BETA PHI KAPPA . TOP ROW: Adkerson, Brown, Davidson, Davis, Dunaway. SECOND ROW: Foules, flick, Greenlee, McPhail, Mortin. THIRD ROW: Mason , Moreland, Selvidge, Simpson, Wolters. PROUDLY accepting the gift of an engraved gold brocelet from Beto Ph i Koppa's vice president Harmon Brown is their club queen, Beverl y Gatlin. 165