ATMOSPHERE, entertainment, and appetizing fore makes the evening a success as A . P. K's honor their doles and queen at a Sweetheart banquet. ALPHA PHI KAPPA Club honored queen IS annual sweetheart at banquet Exercising their talen Is in competitive sports, the A.P.K .'s took club football for the third consecutive year and ca ptured the volleyball title a second time. They contributed to Bison spirit by joining with the Mohicans to purchase the Harding victory bell. After striving for a week to prove themselves worthy of A.P.K., eight pledges stood trial in a Kangaroo Court during initation at Red Bluff. Kelley 'S Restauran t was the scene of the A.P.K.'s traditional Sweetheart banquet on Feb. 14. Members paid special tribute to the Alpha Phi Kappa Sweetheart, Edna Knore, presenting her with a dozen red roses . OFFICERS. Anderson, Pres.; Escue, Vice-Pres.; Corter, Sec·Treos.; Harvey. Scribe; Phillips, Bull -Dog. NOT PIOURED: Randolf. ALPHA PHI KAPPA . TOP ROW: Anderson, Bozarth , Corter, Collier, Crosby, Escue, B. Farris, J. Farris , Figgins . SECOND ROW: Griffin, Harrison , Harvey, Heoth, B. Keeth, C. Keeth. Jerry Keeth, Jim Keeth, Lambert , McRae. THIRD ROW: Mayfield, Meadows, Mick, Mote, Phillips, Sharp, G. Smith, J. Smith, Wore , While. " -. 164