toward a victory and the Ale Sportsmanship Award, sp irit was raised by the winning in the Homecoming parade . Work wa s done on th is float by AEX and three other social clubs . EPSILON CHI share distinct honor top prize in float contest W x • • • • • • Beginning activities of the club centered OI1. The even ts of pledge week were climaxed a rough initiation at Bee Rock . A short time th~ pledges shared the glory as the float E. X. and three other clubs, for the second year, won first place in the h omecomlng A. E. X. emerged success fully in club sports • winning first place in American League and volleyball and second place in foot~ and basketball . A fl ag was purchased for Fi~ld as a club project. Anderson 's Grill was the setting for the "Civbanquet in March. A truce was declared, the blu~s and g-rays enjoyed a peaceful eveN. J. Wilson presented queen Georg-ie Clayan eng-raved bracelet. Club members the y~ar with an all -day outing in May. Fall: Farrar. Pres., Wardrup, Vice ·Pres. ; litwiler, Sec.; Ulhe, 5(J1be Spring: litwiler, Pres .; Wilson , Vice ·Pres .; s.c.; Ulhe, Trees Pahor, Scribe. ALPHA EPSILON CHI. TOP ROW: Bill ingsley, Crookshank, Cross . SECOND ROW: Doniel , Douglass, Embry, Farrar, Hasl ings. THIRD ROW: Huber, Jar· gensen , lemieux, Litw iler, Lowrance . FOURTH ROW: Marchant, Moss, Nosh, Noland , Pahor. FIFTH ROW: Porker, Uthe, Wardrup, Williams, W ilson . 163