ZETA RHO. TOP ROW, Atwood, Baker, D. Christmas, M. J , Christmas, Clay. pool. SECOND ROW, Cope, Cross, Dunn, Estes, Hart . THIRD ROW, Hodge , Howell , Humphrey, Lyon , McCullough . FOURTH ROW, McNeil. O'Conner, Pace, Shewmaker, Smith. FIFTH. ROW, Turner. Westbrook. Whatley, Worley. ZETA RHO Motto of newly-formed club emphasizes Christian spirit "Purity in purpose, and love in deed" is the inspirational motto of Zeta Rho, a new social club founded this year by eleven upperclassmen with a pioneering spirit. The glowing symbol of the organization is a three-dimensional star in crimson and silver. Thirteen energetic pledges, bunking parties, a pizza party, and a third function at Wyldewood rapidly built up spirit in the new club during the fall. Spring activities included a smorgasbord banquet with an April theme. J. D. Key was honored as Zeta Rho 's first Club Star. The project adopted by Zeta Rho was the purchase of a heating stove for the colored congregation's meeting house. OFFICERS. Fall, Pace, Pres .; Howell , Vice . Pres.; Claypool. Sec.; O·Can· ner, !reas . Spring , M. J. Christmas. Pres .; Cross, Vice-Pres .; lyon, Sec.; Turner, Trees. CLUB STAR J. D. Key, assisted by several Zeta Rho members, supervises the hanging of this new club's plaque in the Student Cente r, where all social club emblems are permanently displayed . 162