Charter members of new club start beau-of-the-month plan A brand new club catapulted onto the Harding scene with sixteen charter members, twelve pledges, and some pretty new ideas for an excitIng year. Zeta Phi Zeta's practice of changing beaux monthly was an innovation which gave the club opportunity to honor more men . Sloppy Joes were the main feature of the at Zeta Phi Zeta 's 3rd function at WyldeAfter eating. everyone enjoyed plenty of ex,ercisc in the form of outdoor games and group December 1 Z, all the Zeta Phis collected dates and went caroling around town. When symptoms of laryngitis struck, they returned the student center for hot chocolate and cookies. Pina and spaghetti parties, club participain sports, and joint efforts in service projects Zeta Phi Zeta's first year an exciting promof things to come. _"' ' '". Meadows. Pres .; Unland, Vice-Pres.; Tucker , Sec· Rep.; Me.- Treas .• K. Pry5O(k , HiS! .; Manning , Song leader. ZETA PHI ZETA. TOP ROW: Champney, Donnell, Hackworth, Huffstutter, Kimbro. SECOND ROW: lamb, love, McMillin , Manning. Meadows. THIRD ROW. Morgon , Moll . Odam. K. Prysock. l. Pry sock.. FOURTH ROW: Setzler, Shannon. Shelton. Shields, Sowell. FIFTH ROW: Swaim, Unland. Tucker. (HEEl iNG wildly for their learn at one of the women's intramural basketball gomes, Zeta Phi boo~t team spirit Dove Meadows. their dub beau, watches his team with stoic resignation. 161