OPEN HOUSE prvoided the opportunity for the WHC s to dis:,lay their trophies and the dresses they wear to their annual country supper. Goslon Tarbet wa s proudly pictured as their dub beau. WOODSON-HARDING COMRADES. TOP ROW: Aaron , AIIM. SECOND ROW: Biggers, Binkley, Buchanan, Covington, Dishner. THIRD ROW, Elswick, Everett. Garner, Garrett , Harwell . FOURTH ROW, Hawks, Hickingboltom. Maxwell. Mills, Mowery. FIFTH ROW, Rinehart, Snappley, Dartene Tobey. Donna Tobey, Tucker. 160 WHC Traditional country supper highlights thirty-fourth year W.E.C. began Lheir Lhirty-fourth year of activities by initiating eight pledges at the home of their new sponsor, Mrs. Virgil Beckett. Later, Echo Dale created an atmosphere conducive to singing around a campfire and enjoying hot dogs roasted in the open at tJle W.E.C. third function. After a maraLhon of outdoor games, Lhe evening ended WitJl a devotional. The high spot of tJle W.E.C. club year was the traditional Country Supper, to which the girls wore their long, "homemade" dresses. A homecooked meal featuring fried chicken was followed by an evening of old-fashioned fun, including the annual hogcalling contest. Every Christmas, W.B.C. sponsors Peanut Pal week, in which girls give inexpensive presents to their secret "peanut pals". This is concluded the last night before the h olidays witJl a party in the dormi tory, when peanut pals exchange gifts and reveal themselves. OFFICERS. Foil : Garrett, Pres.; Aaron , Vi ce- Pres.; Elswick, Sec. ; Shoppley, Treo ~.; Rinehart, Rep. Spring, Gorrett, Pre~ .; Garner, VicePres .; Maxwell , Sec.; Tobey, Treo~ .; Horwell , Rep .; Shoppley, Pori .