Bobbie Willingham seems to be cost ing 0 spell to try to help her surrounded teammate. Hayes, get the boll from Reg ino 's Jonie M iller ond Martha Dook in one of their games. ildren's home contribution a worthy club project Pulling toy cars behind them whil e giving traffic signals took up the Tofebt pledges' time that was not used in doing good deeds pj,'dgernistresses and cornering the required of dates. After informal initiation at the Park, pledges and members devoured hot the Cathcart kitchen. November 28, 6 a.m., found the Tofebts and dates selling out for Kiwanis Park for a pancookout. A scavenger hunt for nature specihikes, and a round of camp songs provided . t and exercise. Kelley 's Hes taurant at Bald Knob was transinto " Bali Ha i" for the February 3 banCenterpieces of flowers, tropical fruit, and shells added to the island illusion. Club projects included a contribution to the Sierra Children's Il ome at Vacaville, Califand a contribution to Sam Belo, a Filipino 'IOUa11e studell t in Memphis, Tennessee. foiL Hayes. Pres. , Brooks, Vice-Pres_; Church , Sec-Treas., Anderson, Song leader, Buchanon, Hi st. Spring: Brooks, Ho",bu"kle. Vice-Pres_ , Davis, Sec-Treas .; Buchanon, Rep .; AnTOFEBT. TOP ROW: Anderson , Boker. Boll. SECOND ROW: Bean. Bishop. Brooks . Buchanon. Church . THIRD ROW: Cox. Dav is, Hayes. Herndon. Hodge. FOURTH ROW: Hornbuckle. lpncaster. Mitchell. Phillips. Scott. FIFTH ROW: Siler. Thompson. Van Rhennan , Willingham, Wood . II!} .: ~'-_- J 159