ASSIMILATION of knowledge calls for concentra tion on the materials at hand, whether they are te)(tbooks, paintings, or records of musi c or language. PERSPECTIVE IN SELF-REALIZATION Knowing oneself important In relationships with others To any given person there is no one else on earth so important as himself. Yet as much allention as we g ive ourselves, we often arc di spleased with what we are. This displeasure results from weighing ourselves in the bala nces of our standard and being found wanting. Usually, then, we develop our perspec ti ve and try to adjust ourselves to it. A necessa ry part of this adjustment is r ecognizing both strengths and weaknesses, th en accepting and using our knowledge to best advantage. Al so important is learn ing to relate to others in life situations - working together, studying together, or feeling together. Finally, we are brought to I·ea li ze that we are pal·t of institutions: the family, the church, a nd th e na tion-community. The development ac hi eved as a res ult of our perspective a nd adjustment mak es each of us the di stinctive person h e is. TO KNOW yourself as you are known is important in personal development. A battery of tests is given to all entering freshmen to enable them to evaluate themse lves more accurately in terms of aptitude ond achievement. 14 SYMBOL af all thaI aur country means to us, the flog stands fa proclaim the freedom of the individual to develop through education.