Year of togetherness began with ceremony in lumberyard Initiation at a lumber yard for preluded a year of togetherness by activities including pre-holiday -~et-to.~ethers," devotionals, and bunking parRcginas brougbt into force a new type banwith their "Progressive Dinner," February Carrying out the theme, "'Hearts in Motion," went from an appetizer, "Heart's Desire," main course, "Heart's Fulfillment." Reginand their dates completed their cycle with ,HS'wc'cts to You," as desscrt. Wayne Gaither, club was presented a silver key chain at the Club members displayed a "spirit of giving" sacrificing their third function to help a misDoJlary.. In addition to this, they sponsored the Spirit Award," given annually to the who best typifies the spirit of Harding. Foil: Sisco, Pres. ; Knolt , Vice-Pres.; Turner. Sec· Trees.; N ieH,st, Dook, Rep .; Meredith , PorI. Spring : M eredith, Pres.; Vlce·Pres.; Dook, Sec-Treas.; Berryhill , Hist .; Dykes. Rep.: Moyer, t- ~ . REGINA . TOP ROW: Barker, A. Berryhill , N . Berryhill, Davis, Dook. SECOND ROW: Dykes , Funk , Hunter, lucas, Moyer. THIRD ROW: Meredith. Miller, Mitchell , N iemeyer, Northcut . FOURTH ROW: Ogle, Pratt, Robertson. Sisco, Thompson. FIfTH ROW: Wright. " With a grin,·· urged a Regina pledge master as Janie Miller hesitantly tastes the ingre. in the spoon. Fellow pledges and onlookers show no sym;lo lhy for her during this ordeal. - ------- 157