ORIENTAL atmosphere is the ingredient these Phi Deltas ore preparing for the ir banquet . These hard -working members w ish to hove festive de<orotions tho I those present will enjoy and remember. PHI DELTA . TOP ROW: Bach , Boker. SECOND ROW: Ban ister, Bomor, Dye, Finney, Gatewood. THIRD ROW, Kerby, linderman, lindsey, Madden, McClurg . FOURTH ROW: McRae, Norton, Pearce. Pritchett. Roberts, fIFTH ROW: Sutherlin, Thompson , YMoble. Wicker, Wyatt_ 156 PHI DELTA 'Rats' endure severe 'trials' to rate membership standing The night was chilly and so was the food (chili ) that Mrs. Joe Spaulding, Phi Delta sponsor, served to pledgemasters and pledges at the never-to-be-forgotten informal initiation. Called " rats" and treated like " rats," fifteen pledges survived the " trials" of pledge week and became recognized members of Phi Delta. Privileges of recognized members included participation in three club fun ctions. In addition to a spring outing, Phi Deltas and tJ,eir dates enjoyed an a utumn wiener roast at Bee Rock. Returning to childhood fancies, they entertained themselves with a game of hide-nseek. An Oriental s~tting emphasized the theme "Shangra Lai" for the club's most festive activity, their banquet March 11 at Kelley's Restaurant in Bald Knob. OFFICERS . Foil: Thompson , Pres.; Bach , Vice· Pres.; Pritchett. Sec.; W icker, Treas.; GaTewood , Rep-Hist. Spring: Thompson, Pres.; Bach, Vice·Pres.; M cClurg , Sec.; SmiTh, Treos.; Roberts , Rep·Hist.