UWLY thatter, fun, and a plentiful supply of popcorn keynote on Omega Phi popcorn party in the -.nitory. Associations such as these provide many happy moments and memories for club sisters. Club beau discovers mailbox stuffed with valentine tokens Cupid, in the disguise of Omega Phi memfilled Wayne Arnold's mailbox with valenFebruary 14. Omega Phis wanted to let club beau know he was "appreciated." To let the student body know they "appr escholarship, Omega Phis carried on the IIIditio,nal club project of presenting the coveted Phi's Scholarship Award to the club with hil(he,s t grade poin t average. At a bunking party at the home of the club Mrs. James Atteberry, Omega Phi memdid not "appreciate" being beaten in scrabble Mrs. Atteberry's elementary-age son. But sevboys on campus did "appreciate" an invitato the Omega Phi banquet held March 14 in restaurant. And everybody "appreciated" deHci·, JUS smorgasbord dinner! foil: Durling, Pres.; Coffman, Vice·Pres.; Oook, Sec.; Wo ll,ecn ; Crumb, Rep·HISI. Spring: Crumb, Pres.; Slinkord, ViceJohnwn, SK.; Tollett, Treos.; John, Rep-Hist. OMEGA PHI. TOP ROW: Allison. SECOND ROW, Bartley, C. Berry, S. Berry, Bjelland, Coffman. THIRD ROW: Crumb, Darling, Ooak, Durling, Harbour. FOURTH ROW: Heid, Hicks, Hinds, John, Johnson. FIFTH ROW: Kruse, Row· lins, Slinkard, Stanford, Stapleton. SIXTH ROW: Stephenson, Taylor, Tollett, Walgreen, Westerholm. 155