MU ETA ADELPHIAN 'With a Song in my Heart' IS theme of Valentine banquet "Never take a step backwards," a good New Year's resolution, began M.E.A.'s year of activity. Bob Diles was selected club beau, and the Pioneer Club was elected to serve M .E.A.s as "Big Brothers." A picturesque Valentine setting made "With a Song in My Heart," a living theme for their formal banquet. Enthusiasm spread throughout the club, germinated by new members, and an active year in sports brought fruitful gains for M .E.A.s. As a club project, M.E.A.s donated ten dollars to Sam Belo, a student in Harding Graduate School of Bible in Memphis, Tenn. CIfI~C~15 .. fall Boiley. Pres.; Woodham. Vice · Pres .; Goins, Sec.; John1Df'I. Treos.; Ramsey, Hist . Spring: Goins, Pres.; Housley, Vice. Pres .; Tumey, Sec.; M. LenTz, Treas.; Poole, Rep .; Walls, Hist . MU ETA ADELPHIAN. TOP ROW: Adey, Albritton. Bailey, Bowman, English. SECOND ROW: Goins. Green , Harvester, Henry, Housley. THIRD ROW; Johnson , A . lentz, M. lentz, Lynxwiler, Poole. fOURTH ROW: Ramsey, Turney, Wallace, won" Woodham. for MEA pledges as they obediently lug stuffed an imols around weor ribbons in their dunce caps, and play hop-scotch for hours on the sidewalks. 153