GLENDA Holder. Georgia Davis. and Dorothy Wolker examine a completed senior closs composite, one of the Les annual projects. It will be framed and hung wit'" others in the Science Building. LAS COMPANERAS. TOP ROW, Bentley, Claude. Cullen, Dabbs . SECOND ROW: Davis. Garrison, Haynes, Hicks. Holder. THIRD ROW, Honey, Leonard. Moclin, Miller, Peck. FOURTH ROW: E. Pierce, J . Pierce, Pursell, Rickett, Riley. fiFTH ROW: Southard. Stephens, Thompson , Walker, Webb. 152 LAS COMPANERAS Bunking party of successfu I began series club functions A bunking party at Wyldewood began one of Las Companeras' most active years. After a two-hour hike the L.C.'s eagerly consumed hot dogs, hot dogs and more hot dogs . Wyldewood became the L.C.'s favorite haunt this year. It provided an excellent site for informal initiation of new pledges. The L.C.'s again chose Wyldewood for their third function - a weiner roast and evening of games and pranks concluded wi th a devotional. Bill 's Grill became a "Never-Never Land" for an L.C. banquet with an island flavor. Both this and the club's annual Spanish Supper were held in the spring. The club's service projects included donating $100 to the Clymores, missionaries in Africa, and mak ing the senior class composite. OFFICERS . Foil: Walker . Pres .; J. Pierce, Vice· Pres.; Devi's, Sec.; leonard. Treas .; Holder, Rep .; Riley, Hisf . Spring: Davis, Pres.; leonard, Vice -Pres .; Claude. Sec.; E. Pierce, Treas.; Riley. Rep. Walker, Hist.