KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA. TOP ROW: Allison, Borden, Brown, Cheek, Childers. SECOND ROW: Cunningham, Green, Hall, Hendrix, Barbara Hollis . THIRD ROW: Belfy Hollis, Houser, lambert, lee, Mabry. FOURTH ROW: Mclellan, Oliger, Phillips, Robertson, Speer. FIFTH ROW: Staples, Stowers, Watts, Welch, Westbrook . KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA Vocal capacities of gophers displayed during trying week Tri-Kappa pledges learned the art of being a gopher from vengeful pledgemasters and began their careers by harmonizing to, "We are the gopher girls, we always go for men ..." around the lily pond. But all sufferings were forgotten as they advanced into full-fledged membership and participated wholeheartedly in club activities. Gophers threw off their animal instincts in a Camp Wyldewood setting for their third function. "Hello Young Lovers," greeted Tri-Kappa couples at their February banquet at Kelley's in Bald Knob. Club beau, Bob Jones, was rewarded with a personalized billfold at the banquet. Rounding out the year's activity was a spring chapel program, an outing, and a worthy project. OFFICERS . Fa ll : Cheek, Pres.; Hall , Vice· Pres.; Welch , Sec.; Watts, Trees.; Holl is, Rep.; Robertson, Song l eader. Spring: Robertson, Pres .; Warn. Vice · Pres .; Holl is, Se1:.; Westbrook. Treas .; Holl. Song leader. GAilY feasting at the Tri Kappa 's smorgasbord banquet, couples enjoy the candlelight and soft music. Blue and wh ile anger hair add, to the atmosphere and fun of the theme " Hello Young lovers," 150