DELTA ...u,niian luau theme features d dress, dishes, games In the first year of their existence, the Kappa social club strove to be worthy of the club "Pure love is undefiled before God." Approaching pledge week in a dignified manpl ~dgemasters required pledges to appear at all times. Pleated skirts with sweaters replaced the traditional "odd" customarily associated with pledge week. start the day off with a song, pledges were _:teo by pledgemasters in group singing each on the steps of the Administration Being a new club, Kappa Deltas appropriateselected a new state, "Hawaii" as the subject their third function. Called "Hawaiian Luau," party was held December 8 in the Legion Dressed in costumes patterned after (a",ai:ian styles, Kappa Deltas and their dates games such as "Pass the Coconut" and Hoop." Refreshments included Hawaiian ambrosia and fruit. Foil: Endres, Pres.; Powell , Vice. Prf!s.; Co le. Sec.; Juneau , Brunelle, Rep -Hist. Spring: Endres, Pres.; Fish, V ice- Pres.; o Set Cole, Treas.; Simpson , Rep .Hist. NOT PI CTURED lipscomb. KAPPA DELTA. TOP ROW, Bailey, Bornes , BruneHe, Cole. Cook. SECOND ROW: Davis , Endres . Fish , Hoy, Hearn . THIRD ROW: Hearron , Henry. Hershey, Juneau , long . FOURTH ROW: Metcalfe Morris, Parks. Payne. Powell. FIFTH ROW: Simpson , Stewart, A. Toylor. adding finishing touches 10 their costumes, Koppa Deltas Ann Taylor , Stevie Endres. and Bailey dress for their island luau . For dotes. they mode shirts to match the muu·mUU5 . 149