ANGEL hoir and crepe paper are two important items in the dKorotion of Ju Go Ju 's club booth for open house. On the toble ore exh ibits represent ing the May Fete and other activities of the dub. JU GO JU. TOP ROW , Ba iley, Boll , Butler, Byrd . SECOND ROW, Ci tty, Combs. Durham. Gatlin , Geisler. TH IRD ROW: Giollombordo. Green, HolI , Hudson, Hughes. FOURTH ROW: Jones. Jones. Morgon, O' N eal. Pa rsons. FIFTH ROW : Peacock, Popp lewell , 5H!gren, Smith. Wore. 148 JU GO JU Sixteen pledges proficient in subservience and culinary art Sixteen hopeful pledges merited full membership as Ju-Go-Jus by obediently catering to their masters ' requests and were honored as members in formal initiation rites. The new members added much spice to a wintry outing at Wyldewood where their talents . went into the making of successful "sloppy joes." Christmas caroling wi th club brothers, APKs, and Jim Citty, club beau, climaxed holiday festivities for the Ju-Go-Jus. "A Tribute to Society," became the theme of their banquet dinner at Kelley's, March 3. April not only brought showers but it also commenced the annual May fete preparations for Ju-Go-Jus. Early morning practice sessions reaped their rewards when the May Queen and her attendants marked a graceful path to the throne of summer as the year neared its finale. OFF ICERS. Foil : Gotl in, Pres.; O' Neal . Vice- Pres.: Combs, Sec· Trees.; Boll , Song leader; (i ff y; Rep.; Byrd. Hist. Spring: Bai ley, Pres .; O 'Neal , V ice· Pres.; Green, Sec· Treas.; Hughes, Song leader; Popplewell , Rep.; Pa rsons, Hist.