, the nylon fluff thot will be used in their decorat ions and printing the programs engrosses GAlA's. Moking pre?orotions for the banquet is olmost as much fun as the banquet itself. ~ ...-bers create togetherness college students in Japan Obeying pledgemasters, standing on tip toes, bright beanies and watering flag poles these are the things that remind nine Gatas year's pledge week. As a final indication of love for pledgemasthe Gata prospects gave a dinner for old and were received as club sisters ... the remainder of the year, Gata activities "togetherness." Together, Gatas completed club . of helping to sponsor a student ristian College in Japan. Together, with their dates sang hymns around a fire Wyldewood on the club's third function. together, Galas worked in harmony and fellowship to make their March banan occasion to remember. Foil: Richardson, Pres.; Obrecht, Vice· Pres.; Knopp, Sec.; Howard, Rep_ Spring: Cobb, Pres. ; Stone, Vice-Pres.; Sec: , KirkpaTrick, Treas .; Knopp, Rep. GATA: TOP ROW: Booz. SECOND ROW: Cosey, Cobb. Crawford, Hampton, Herrington . THIRD ROW: Howard , Jeff, KirkpaTrick. Knopp, Knore. FOURTH ROW: Mock , Obrecht, Oldham. Richardson, Robinson . FIFTH ROW: Scrivner, Stafford, Stone, Siowe, Tucker. 147