DELTA CHI OMEGA. TOP ROW: Austin , Baird , Bartow. Bowmor . Chisom. SECOND ROW: Floke . M . Green. S. Green. Grimsley. Hendrix . THIRD ROW: Joslin . Klemm. Naylor. New. Norwood . FOURTH ROW: Smith . Storey. Stroder. Volentine, Wise. DELTA CHI OMEGA Membership pledges retain 'poker faces' during initiation Keeping "poker" faces was not easy for Delta Chis as they watched nine pledges try in vain to make them laugh. The prospective members sighed in relief after formal initiation converted "old" poker faces to "new" congratulatory smiles. Mean pledgemasters became helpful sisters as the club members learned to work and enjoy their social ga therings as a unit. Club members donned gypsy costumes for their third function, but became more formal at their "Singing Pines" banquet, December 14, at the Rendezvous. Pines literally "sang" from the ceiling and tables as decorations. Delta Chis patriotically joined three other clubs in buying a flag pole for Alumni field to close out a bustling, but seemingly short, school year. Jerry Senn served as club beau. OFfiCERS. Foil: W ise, Pres .; Hendri x. Vice-Pres .; Green. Sec.; Doniel . Treas .; Norwood . Rep-Hist. Spring: Norwood. Pres.; Green, VicePres. ; Volentine. Sec.; Naylor, Treos.; Joslin. Rep ·Hisl. JIM Smelser inspects lindo Chisom, his girl in on Indian port , as they leove for DelIo Chi's third function, 0 Crozy Cornivol. Prizes, gomes , ond 0 toffy pull created fun and hoppy memories. 146