BETA TAU GAMMA Pledges become good friends with'Thermostrockamortimer' Have you met "Thermostrockamortimer" was the question as 10 Beta T au pledges went thr()u~h their pa ces. "Thermo" was their constant companion all week. Formal initiation was h eld in Miss Johnson's apartment in Sewell Hall. The hopeful Beta Taus hung their stockings by the fireplace during their Christmas Party at the ugion Hut. A gaily decorated pinata hung near the Chris tmas tree. One solid whack, - and candy showered everyone . "Under the Magnolias" was the theme of a Southern styled banquet at Bill 's Gri ll. A setting of magnol ia blooms and cotton boll s recalled the gracious atmosphere of tJ,e Old South. Since last year, Beta Tau Gamma has sponsored a student at Ibaraki Christi an College in Japan . They began when he was a freshman and plan to continue while he is in school. OffiCERS. fall, Honey, Pres.; Bryont. Vice-Pres.; Woods, Sec.; Holt , rNaS_ Krummel , Rep . Spring : Woods, Pres .; Krummel , Vice· Pres .: Lond, Sec.; Johnson , Treos.; Haney, Hist .; Holt , Rep.; Bolen, ParI. NOT PIOURED: Poce . BETA TAU GAMMA. TOP ROW: J . Anderson , M. Anderson . Bolen, Bryant. Bums . SECOND ROW, Fuller, Honey, Holl, HOI/arter, Johnson . THIRD ROW: Krummel , Land, McMahon. Millard, Oliver. FOURTH ROW: Simon , Thurman. Waddill . Woods. DlCI,"UING a leiter from the Japanese student Beta Tau helps at lboroki. linda McMahon . JoMphine Holt . and Phyllis Thurmon know thaI he mu st depend on the dict ionary 10 write them. 145