WOMEN ' S CLUB SPONSORS. FRONT ROW: Rose Jones, Zeta Rho ; Ruth Atteberry, Omega Phi ; Jeanette Baggett, Gata ; El izabeth Perrin , Koppa Phi; Donna Spauld ing, Phi Delta ; Irene Johnson , Beta Tau Gamma ; Mae Anne Tucker, Oege; Annette McRoy , Theta Psi; Mattie Sue Sea rs, L. c. ; Inez Pickens , Dean of Women , BACK ROW: Juonice Beckett. WHC; Bessie Moe Pryor , Regino; Betty Wilcox, Tofebt; l yn n Alexander, Zeta Phi lela : LOUise Ganus , Kappa Koppa Koppa ; Eliza beth Mason , Kappa Delta ; Undo A lexander, MEA; Dot Beck, Ju Go Ju. NOT PICTURED: Nancy Walker , Della Chi Omega. 144 CLUB SPONSORS Untiring sponsors contribute much time, energy, counsel Every student a t H a rding has an opportunity to become an ac tive part of a social organ ization . These clubs a re designed to bring indi viduals in closer union with each other through va ried fellowship ac tivities. Contributing to the growth of every social club ar e " n ever-tiring" sponsors. They continually advise, counsel, and open their homes to m eetings, bunking pa rties, a nd other club ac ti vi ti es. Pledge week a nd initi a tion begin ac ti ve year s for initia tes and cl ub members hi ghl igh ted by spring outings a nd formal and informal ba nquets. MEN ' S SOCIAL CLUB SPONSORS . FRONT ROW: Andy Ritch ie , Frater Sodo ris; John Wh ite, l a mbda Sigma . SECOND ROW, Harold Bowie, The ta Alpha Gamma; Russell Simmons, Gala xy; Bill Williams, Cavalier. THIRD ROW, Clark Stevens, Pioneer; Murrey Wil son, Beta Phi Kappa. FOURTH. ROW, Charles Pitner , Alpha Phi Kappa ; Ja mes Hed ric k, Alpha Epsi lon Chi ; Gene Ra iney, T. N. 1. FIFTH ROW, Joe Pryor , 1. N. T.; Cliff Ganus, Sub T-16 . NOT PI CTURED, Doyle Word, Alpha Phi Ka ppa ; Roy On, Delta Iota ; Kenneth Perrin , Moh icans; Jock Wood Sears, Sigma Tau Sigma; Herb Dean , Sub T- 16.